Khurshid Begum Girls School
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
The Sadaqah Project has established a girls' school for girls aged five to fifteen in Nangarhar district, Karim Abad village, Afghanistan. According to UNICEF, an estimated 3.7 million children are out of school in Afghanistan, 60% of them girls. At Sadaqah Project, we believe that access to education is a right for every child.
Working with qualified teachers, 61 pupils have been enrolled in teaching English, maths and Pashto.
Currently, the classes are held in tents. We are looking to build a purpose-built school soon, and with your help, we hope to get this off the ground. There are a number of ways you can help. You can donate towards the ongoing cost of the school. Donate towards the salaries of the the two teachers and toward building of a school.
Donate any amount towards the daily running of the school
Donate any amount towards the monthly salaries of teachers
The Sadaqah Project is looking to acquire a permanent one to house our temporary school, which two tenants currently hold. We have identified a building which can be converted into two classrooms with a small playground.
Purchasing the building and renovating it into a school costs £6500. Your help in building this can go a long way in helping the future lives of Afgan children.

Donate any amount towards a permenant school building
The story so far.
The Sadaqah Project has financed the purchase of two tents, uniforms, desks and chairs, books and backpacks.